The one type of porn all females can agree on: organisation.

Omg, I would totally look at this late at night alone...Source: Food Network.
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So, you know when you need that background show where you can kinda scroll your phone, unload the dishes and paint your toenails but still know what's going on? Well, you're welcome, cos this is it. That said, The Home Edit is more visual than audio (if you need the opposite see, Judge Judy) and has what I will watch in any genre: before and afters.
The Home Edit stars Clea and Joanna, two American women who have been smart enough to turn their skills of being super organised into a dominating business with offices all over the USA servicing the likes of Reese Witherspoon, Khloe Kardashian and Mindy Kaling. I'm not gonna lie - I wish I thought of it. Their methods are simple yet effective, and really comes down to getting other people's shit organised who can't be stuffed doing it, and have the money to pay someone else. It can really be anything in your home - your closet, your pantry, your garage, and Joanna and Clea will come with their interns, categorise your shit and VOILA, new space!
I have to say, watching, I was like, isn't this super easy? What is wrong with people? Like, I can get wanting them to just make it better in a way you hadn't thought of - for example, Khloe Kardashian is super organised, which I froth. But she had reached her limit creatively in her garage, and got the girls to come and work their magic:

Sidenote: was anyone else kinda hoping they were gonna convince Khloe that her 1-year-old doesn't need 10 cars and maybe she could give some away, or? Source: Netflix
But then there are people who are just throwing all their shit on the floor and mix in shirts with pants in their wardrobe and like NO what do you even MEAN:

K I looked everywhere for 'before' shots and couldn't really find, but you get my drift. How can you go on tv with this?! Who raised you? Source @thehomeedit
Generally though, each ep focuses on two 'home edits' - one is a celebrity, to get us excited about re-organising Reese Witherspoon's Legally Blonde and Academy Awards couture (tick, in, you got me) and the other the Common Man, to remind us that regular people need their shit sorted too, like a garage make-over:

I'll be fair, everyone's garage looks like shit, it's the 'Monica's secret messy closet' of the house. Source: Storewall
The organisers like to categorise items by season (eg winter clothes/summer) usability (gym equipment, play equipment), colour (rainbow pantry) and love a good label and see-through storage unit. Dividers, clear stackables, jars, they froth it. In truth, it has made me decide when I finally move and unpack, to stop piling boxes in the garage on top of each other and groan when you need the bottom one, and rather have storage items that slide out.
It can be a fun watch having a peep inside the lives of celebrities, getting good ideas for organisation in your home that actually look achievable (this is why hopuse flip-type shows annoy me - like cool I get make my house look amazing with 100k, too...) and a moment to clasp your hands with glee when shit gets sorted. Overall, the accents can be a bit jarring to my Australian ears at the start, but for the most part, this show is extremely easy low-involvement viewing, with a good before and after and plenty of ideas to help you get organised - the Marie Kondos of 2020.
3/5. The Home Edit is currently screening Season 1 on Netflix.
For some organisational ideas like you've seen in The Home Edit, see below:
1. The book from the masters themselves
Get the tips from the creators of The Home Edit themselves, and turn your home into an organisational masterpiece:

2. Know what everything is always with this label maker
I put labels on everything. My husband's clothing, our mattress, the dog, in case we divorce, everything has MY name on it. #healthyrelationships. Get around making sure your home is organised with the DYMO Organiser Express:

3. Clear Drawer Stacker for all your bits and pieces
Joanna and Clea were obsessed with these, and I get it. Personally, I love them for earrings, cos hanging them up, finding the backings, who needs it? fast and loose, my friends, with this 11 pack organiser from Kingroll:

4. Movable Storage Container for...whatever!
I am big on function and stackability. I like that these can be used for jewellery, the crafts I bought in lockdown and abandoned, batteries, hairties and bows I buy and don't wear....whatever, make your hoarding look organised:

5. Sexy Pantry Labels if you can't be stuffed learning calligraphy
Want your pantry to look as gorj as Khloe Kardashians? I get it, I redid mine cos LOCKDOWN and nothing to do, and I'm like, really feeling myself. My husband also said looking at it was hot. Unsure if this is a compliment to my organising, or insult to my gradual decline in hotness over lockdown. Either way, an organised pantry = life and yay these are all written out for you already:

6. Sunglasses Rack so you finally know where they are
I have to admit I'd never thought of this, and now that I'm looking at it, I'm like, why the fuck not? I wear eyeglasses and sunglasses and they are everywhere and messy and make me feel like a Before Shot on The Home Edit, which won't do. Legit buying one now:

7. Backseat Car Organiser so your car doesn't resemble a tip
Is there anything grosser than getting in a car filled with McDonald's wrappers, dog hair and empty bottles? That's just my car on a Tuesday morning, let alone one where kids throw shit all over the place. Get around the mess with these backseat organisers that also hold iPads for some peace and quiet on those long drives (well, those 5km drives, for the Melbournians out there...)

8. Never get rid of another pair of shoes again
This is good. My shoes currently have 16 homes: My runners on the deck, my slippers in the lounge, my heels collecting dust at the back of my wardrobe...this is especially handy for those short on space but big on organisation.

9. A rotating make-up holder to feel like Hollywood royalty
Ooh yay it spins! I love spinning and touching things!! I'm 32 but you do NOT want me near a wet paint sign. Anyway, this is a handy caddy made of crystal for your make-up, but could also be used in the kitchen, for jewellery, whatever, keeping all your go-tos tidy and in one handy place

10. Divide and conquer!
The girls are fairly obsessed with dividers. I've never really used them, but on the show they just make everything look better - organising your handbags, shirts, books, life...they got me. Consider me a convert with these Closetmate unbreakable crystal shelf dividers:

BONUS - Desk Organiser Extraordinaire
My last post was gonna be jewellery travel organisers, and then I thought, LOL, we not going nowhere. You know what we ACTUALLY need? Shit to organise our desk when working from home. This bad boy even has a spot for your coffee and phone, so you know they know what's up:

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